Ongoing Projects and Initiatives

C-COVER Coastal-Climate Overall Vulnerability and Exposure Risk – Protection Strategy for the Maltese Islands | 2021-2023

In the C-COVER project, EUCC is coordinating the project implementation and working
closely with a technical team from the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of the University of
Cantabria (IHCantabria), AKTIS Hydraulics and international experts from Italy, Ireland and
France and the University of Malta, national partner.

The development of the C-COVER Coastal-Climate Overall Vulnerability and Exposure Risk
– Protection Strategy for the Maltese Islands is an initiative funded by the European
Commission's (EC) Technical Support Instrument upon request of the Maltese Public Works
Department (PWD), Ministry for Transport Infrastructure & Capital Projects (MTIP), and the
Malta Tourism Authority (MTA). It aims to secure economically and environmentally
sustainable coastal protection management taking climate change into account.

Working in close cooperation with the Maltese Authorities PWD and MTA, since October
2021 and for next 24 months, the team will also focus on the engagement of stakeholders
and communication activities that will facilitate the need for a holistic and integrative
process. It is expected that this action will allow the Maltese Authorities to take up the
necessary measures to ensure the sustainability of coastal functions and activities in the
entire Maltese Islands coastline.

TSI-2021-MTCOASTAL Coastal Protection Strategy for the Maltese Islands (nr.101049757)

Supporting the development of a National Strategic Plan for Coastal Protection in Spain  | 2020-2022

Since early October 2020, the EUCC team is leading this project initiative, in cooperation with the Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria (IHCantabria), the University Institute ECOAQUA (IU-ECOAQUA) of the Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC) and a group of international experts,in response to a request from the Directorate General for Structural Reform Support (DG REFORM) and the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO).

The main goal is to develop the development of a National Strategic Plan for Coastal Protection in Spain, considering the effects of climate change.

The overall objectives and expected impact are as follows:

  • reduction of coastal pressures, while protecting and preserving the shoreline mostly
    exposed to coastal dynamics.
  • identification of sustainable, suitable, and effective protective solutions, that take into
    account the impacts of climate change, the integrated management of water resources, the
    contribution of sediments from rivers to the coastline and other land-sea interactions.
  • regional harmonization and implementation of coastal protection solutions for the entire
    Spanish coastal territory, by establishing a consistent strategic framework at national level.

Financing Agency: European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) – DG REFORM

Strategies for Coastal Protection for the provinces of Cádiz, Málaga and Almería considering the effects of climate change | 2019-2021

The EUCC team leads the development of this project, which started in February 2019, in cooperation the Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria (IHCantabria), the University of Cadiz and MedCities.

This project responds to a request from the European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service and the Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITECO) concerning the development of Strategies for Coastal Protection considering the climate change effects for the provinces of Cadiz, Malaga and Almeria.

Working in close cooperation with MITECO, over 24 months the team carries out a diagnosis for better understanding of the coastal erosion problems, an analysis of possible scenarios and risk reduction options, and design the Coastal Protection Strategies along the coasts of Cádiz, Málaga and Almería. The Strategies will be developed considering other relevant key stakeholders in the provinces.

Financing Agency: European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) – DG REFORM

Strategies for Coastal Protection of the Balearic Islands considering the effects of climate change | 2019-2022

The EUCC team, in cooperation with the Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria (IHCantabria), MedCities and Sistema de Observación y Predicción Costero de las Islas Baleares “ICTS SOCIB”, leads this project which started in December 2019.

This project responds to a request from the European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service and Spanish Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge (MITERD) and its objective is the development of Strategy for the Coastal Protection of the Balearic Islands, considering the effects of climate change.

The overall objectives and expected impact are as follows:

  1. the reduction of risks derived from coastal erosion and flooding aiming for the protection and
    conservation of coastal assets (physical, natural and cultural) in the Balearic Islands
  2. the preservation of the physical equilibrium of the shore and the reduction of anthropogenic
    coastal erosion, maintaining unique coastal geomorphological features and the peculiar littoral
    landscape (particularly in natural areas), and
  3. availability of the coastal area for recreational and other uses.

Financing Agency: European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) – DG REFORM

Administrative, organizational and technical support for the MSFD Common Implementation Strategy Technical Groups on Marine Litter and Underwater Noise | 2013-ongoing

EUCC lead the execution of this service, concerning the support to TG Noise, as part of consecutive Framework contracts since 2013 for services related to “Emerging pressures, human activities and measures in the marine environment (including marine litter)“. The objective of the current service contract is to provide administrative, organizational and logistic support to the Technical Groups on Marine Litter and Underwater Noise, which include:

  1. organizing and providing secretarial services for the periodic meetings of the technical groups on Marine Litter and Underwater Noise;
  2. supporting the technical groups in their reporting obligations to the Working Group on GES, including coordinating input from group members and editing of the Guidance Reports for MS and assisting the exchange of information on on-going activities in the TGs;
  3. organizing workshops for Member States on the monitoring underwater noise and
  4. maintaining a clear and effective web-based working platform for each of the two TGs, to support communication activities within the groups.

Throughout this support and the compilation of various technical reports, we highlight one recent TG Noise publication that we produced.

This is the 2nd communication report providing key and updated information regarding the main European-funded projects and other relevant initiatives in this field. This report aims to be useful to experts, policy makers, and to those supporting Member States authorities in implementing the MSFD. In particular, for monitoring measures regarding underwater sound.

Download here the report: Management and monitoring of underwater noise in European Seas - Overview of main European-funded projects and other relevant initiatives. 2nd Communication Report. MSFD Common Implementation Strategy Technical Group on Underwater Noise (TG-Noise). December 2019

Financing Agency: European Commission DG ENV

Developing a Long-Term Awareness Raising Framework for Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) and Integrated Coastal Management (ICZM) in Malta | 2018

EUCC lead the work in response to a call from the European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service concerning the development of a long-term awareness raising framework for Maritime Spatial Panning (MSP) and Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) in Malta. The main objective was to identify the most suitable awareness raising activities that could be adopted in Malta with a view to instill greater support to the implementation of the MSP Directive, including within the land-sea interface (LSI).

Our role was to deliver a framework which incorporated a toolbox of suitable awareness raising techniques that can be deployed as necessary by the Planning Authority in Malta, as part of its efforts to implement the MSP Directive. Oriented to address the context of the Maltese Islands and the achievement of the Strategic Plan for Environment and Development 2015 as Malta’s Maritime Spatial Plan, the toolbox provided in the final guidance explained how each technique can best be deployed and monitored.

Financing Agency: European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) – DG REFORM

Ocean Wise: Wise reduction of EPS marine litter in the North-East Atlantic Ocean | 2018-2021

OceanWise aims to jointly develop and implement a set of long-term measures to reduce the impact of expanded polystyrene (EPS) products as marine litter in the North-East Atlantic Ocean. Based on resource-efficiency, participatory methods and circular economy principles, the project will generate new and best practice within sectors considering the use, manufacturing, recycling and uptake of EPS.

The project is led by the Portuguese Ministry of Sea (DGRM) and comprises 12 other partners from 5 Atlantic Area countries – Portugal, Ireland, France, Spain and the United Kingdom.
EUCC co-initiated this project and supports the coordination, development and delivery of project contents and project management.

Financing agency:  European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) INTERREG Atlantic Area.

North Sea Fishing Nets Free (Noordzee Netten Vrij) | 2016-2020

The EUCC, as part of the Healthy Seas initiative, cooperates with the Dutch North Sea Foundation and KIMO Netherlands & Belgium in this project to achieve the goal of freeing the North Sea from abandoned fishing nets. 

As in other maritime sectors, it used to be the most normal thing that waste (including old fishing nets) were thrown overboard. That habit is changing rapidly in The Netherlands.
The fishing sector is on the move and is committed to improving waste management on board and in ports, for example by participating in Healthy Seas and by participating in KIMO’s Fishing for Litter project. 

Financing Agency: Adessium Foundation



Healthy Seas a journey from waste to wear (ECNC group) | 2013-2020

The Healthy Seas initiative was initiated by the EUCC (as part of the ECNC Group) and two
businesses (the Aquafil Group and Star Sock) in it’s journey from waste to wear.

Healthy Seas recovers abandoned fishing nets that pollute our seas and coasts and regenerates the nylon into high- quality yarn which is turned into brand new sustainable textiles. Healthy Seas non-profit activities include the recovery of fishing nets by volunteer divers and their storage in special facilities, in addition to educational and prevention programs. In the last couple of years the fishing net recovery took place in Belgium, United Kingdom, Malta, Greece, Italy and The Netherlands. 75 volunteer divers and 650 fishing boats recovered and collected a total of 152 tons of fishing nets. For preventing marine litter, we collaborated with fishermen, fish farms, local communities and other stakeholders to prevent waste nets from ending up in the sea.

Together we worked on measures to dispose of nets in a responsible yet affordable way. We also worked on raising public awareness of the environmental damage caused by ghost fishing gear and promoted the ecological and economic importance of healthy seas.

Main Financing Agency: Aquafil Group, via ECNC Land & Sea Group EEIG, Adessium Foundation and partners like Star Sock, Desso, Interface and Kaufland.