Green Coasts (Natura 2000: Habitat Conservation & Climate Adaptation)
Whilst the value of dune and related coastal habitats is widely recognised, and several LIFE-projects are and have been focusing on coastal management and restoration, the overall condition of European coastal habitats is still grave. This is the conclusion of the EU ‘State of Nature’ report published in 2015 using information submitted by Member States through the Habitats Directive Article 17 process. Since the start of the reporting by the European Environmental Agency on the conservation status of habitats, coastal habitats continued to show the lowest percentage with a favourable conservation status of all habitat groups. Whilst 75% of all habitats (even within each biogeographical region) should be in favourable conservation status, for dune habitats this is still less than 8%. In this doubtful top position dunes are followed by coastal habitats in general.an Francisco community. Our success isn’t measured in terms of wealth or profit margin, but by the value we provide to those we serve. Learn more about what we do below.