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EUCC's Field of Work

EUCC promotes a specifically European approach to marine and coastal management and has become a European expert and NGO-network on Marine strategy issues (especially marine litter and underwater noise), Maritime Spatial Planning, Integrated Coastal Zone Management (Land - Sea Interaction), and Sustainable coastal and maritime tourism. We try to provide integration to as well as a focus on aspects that are so important in nowadays EU environmental policies, notably in the field of: sustainable development, nature conservation, climate change, overall water quality, and waste (marine litter).


EUCC has always tried to provide continuity as the focal point of a European NGO-platform for sustainable management of coastal regions and waters. Having been involved in numerous European programmes and projects since the 1990s, EUCC tries hard to ensure the continued availability of information, lessons learnt and best practice experience after the end of these projects. In this sense EUCC is the main “institutional memory” for the European coast and coastal waters. Maybe this explains why EUCC has developed into the centre of a network of NGOs linking with authorities at local and regional, trying to improve the implementation of EU environmental policies by regional and local authorities in 10 EU member states, through the QualityCoast initiative.


Green Coasts


Land & Sea Interactions


Marine Strategy

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